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A Mexican photographer accidentally captured a UFO resembling a mushroom while photographing volcanic mountains on the outskirts of Mexico City on February 17, 2024....


A UFO of an unusual and very rare shape – white and diamond-shaped (or square) – was recently captured over Belgrade, Serbia. The exact...


Until 2008, Hanna Epp was an ordinary resident of the USA. She worked as a teacher at a public school in Harlem. She had...



This happened in Moscow, during the USSR era, when I was studying at a technical school. My friend and I often looked after the...


Norma Villa’s house is equipped with motion-detecting security cameras, including one on the porch. One day, it recorded what the woman believed to be...


On the night of March 31, 2024, the driver of a loaded truck was driving on the highway to Saltillo-Nuevo León, Mexico, unaware that...


El Malpais National Park is located in New Mexico, USA, and is famous for its picturesque formations of long-solidified lava and volcanic slag. Its...


In recent years, British scientists have become the subject of memes, jokes, and anecdotes due to their inexplicable passion for useless yet costly research....

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