Norma Villa’s house is equipped with motion-detecting security cameras, including one on the porch. One day, it recorded what the woman believed to be the ghost of her deceased father (see the video below).
On the evening of November 27, 2019, the porch camera activated and captured a translucent, misty figure resembling a human shape sitting in a rocking chair, which then began to move.
According to Norma, this rocking chair on the porch was her father’s favorite place to relax when he was alive. When Norma’s mother, 75-year-old Teresa, saw the video, she said, “He has come for me.”
Soon after, Teresa passed away.
She had been suffering from cancer for two months, and it was at a stage where treatment was no longer effective. Norma Villa took care of her sick mother during those two months.
Norma Villa (left) and her now-deceased mother Teresa.
On the evening the video was recorded, Norma and her mother had a very serious conversation. Norma tried to persuade her sick mother to go to a hospice where professional nurses would care for her. Teresa responded that she needed to “step away for a minute” to her bedroom to consult with her husband, Leandro, who had passed away ten years earlier.
When Teresa went to her room, Norma received an alert on her phone that the porch security camera had detected motion and recorded it. When Norma saw the footage, she immediately remembered that her father used to go outside to smoke on the porch and sit in the rocking chair.
She decided to show the video to Teresa, who immediately smiled upon watching it. She said that it was her deceased husband and that he had come for her (Paranormal News –
A few months later, in February 2020, Teresa died of cancer, and Norma Villa now firmly believes that the camera indeed captured her father’s ghost and that the afterlife exists. Because of this, she now feels “calm and hopeful.”
“It comforts me to think that my father was watching over both of us,” says Norma. Additionally, she now feels a clear presence of her father and mother in the house, as if they are always with her.