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The Little House Spirit Behind the Sofa

This happened in Moscow, during the USSR era, when I was studying at a technical school. My friend and I often looked after the apartment and child of some actor acquaintances who frequently went on tour. We slept on a wide sofa in different corners of the room. The apartment was in a typical panel house, with two rooms and a long corridor leading to the kitchen.

In the middle of the night, someone started loudly and hollowly rolling a toy car down the corridor, which was covered with parquet sheets. It was a metal car, clattering on the resonant parquet. The sound was very clear. It definitely wasn’t coming from the neighbors above or next door. Soviet-era buildings were constructed well, solidly, not like in the USA, where the walls are made of cardboard and you can’t even drive a nail in.

It sounded as if a child was running and pulling a toy truck on a string—drrr there and then back again.

Since we were very sleepy, on one hand, it was too lazy to get up and see what was going on. On the other hand, it was scary, because there was no one else in the apartment besides us. And especially, there were no children there in the middle of the night.

Finally, I said loudly, “This is too much, I’m fed up,” or “How long will this go on,” or “This is going beyond all limits,” or something like that. I don’t remember exactly. This was almost 40 years ago, in the happy Soviet times when we didn’t believe in all sorts of supernatural stuff. And even now, my inquisitive, materialistic mind doesn’t accept fairy tales about white bulls. This is to say that there was no fear, just amazement and annoyance that something was disturbing our sleep.

Then it seemed to quiet down, and I fell asleep. In the morning, my friend (I asked her if she had heard anything) told me that she sensed something strange and looked over the solid divider—the sofa was foldable and had a short back—on the other side of the sofa. She saw a little man, like a gnome or a house spirit, or who knows what, about the size of a six-month-old child. He looked at her quite friendly, like a small child who had come and was watching.

My friend was not timid, she had been through various life troubles, never backed down, and could put any bully in their place or even fight back. She was a brave Soviet girl who couldn’t be scared by anything. But she admitted to me that she was scared then, got frightened, and hid under the blanket with her head covered.

Our guests left peacefully. It never happened again, as these “children” misbehaved in the absence of the owners, who were on tour, and decided not to be shy around us.

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