One of the strongest critical arguments voiced by cryptozoologists, particularly those searching for yetis, is that if yetis and other Bigfoots truly existed, we...
The cryptozoological organization “Rocky Mountain Sasquatch” published photos of a supposed yeti sent to them by a resident of Indiana named Josh Banker. Banker...
An American researcher of mysterious creatures, Lon Strickler, published a story on his website shared by a native Yupik resident from Alaska. In Yupik...
In 2023, doctors in the U.S. began noting the birth of infants with a previously unknown syndrome, characterized by multiple physical and mental defects,...
In 2001, in the Canadian province of Quebec, director William Reeve filmed a documentary titled “The Great North,” focusing on local wildlife. It was...
MUFON is the largest UFO organization in the United States and in the world. It includes around 700 enthusiastic researchers who have been collecting...
Ghosts of children were caught in photos taken inside the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana. Recently, two photos featuring supposed ghosts, taken inside the Myrtles...