One of the strongest critical arguments voiced by cryptozoologists, particularly those searching for yetis, is that if yetis and other Bigfoots truly existed, we...
The cryptozoological organization “Rocky Mountain Sasquatch” published photos of a supposed yeti sent to them by a resident of Indiana named Josh Banker. Banker...
An American researcher of mysterious creatures, Lon Strickler, published a story on his website shared by a native Yupik resident from Alaska. In Yupik...
Betty and Barney Hill were an American couple who reportedly experienced an abduction by extraterrestrial beings. This case is one of the most famous...
Principles of hidden slavery: Economic Coercion of Slaves to Constant Work: Modern slaves are forced to work without stopping until death, as the money...
Psychological Phenomenon “If there is intuition, then there must be a pattern.” (Academician P. L. Kapitsa. Quotes and Aphorisms). One is forced to rely...
In Scotland’s Loch Ness, researchers from the Loch Ness Exploration group lowered a hydrophone into the depths, where it picked up strange sounds resembling...
Researcher of anomalous phenomena, Sergey Volkov, who runs his own channel on Dzen, shared a story about a fiery poltergeist (also known as pyrokinesis)...