One of the strongest critical arguments voiced by cryptozoologists, particularly those searching for yetis, is that if yetis and other Bigfoots truly existed, we...
The cryptozoological organization “Rocky Mountain Sasquatch” published photos of a supposed yeti sent to them by a resident of Indiana named Josh Banker. Banker...
An American researcher of mysterious creatures, Lon Strickler, published a story on his website shared by a native Yupik resident from Alaska. In Yupik...
The fact that humanity has not yet established contact with extraterrestrial intelligence does not necessarily mean that it does not exist. Perhaps extraterrestrial civilizations...
A recent study by scientists from the SETI Institute, a non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, indicates...
Lilith is first mentioned in ancient Babylonian texts as a winged demon attacking pregnant women and infants. From Babylon, the legend of Lilith spread...
An unusual light phenomenon in the sky led European residents to suspect the presence of UFOs. However, after long hours of speculation and discussions...
The Moon, often perceived as a barren celestial body, may contain more water than previously believed, according to recent research suggesting that some of...
Recent archaeological findings and theological analyses suggest that the city of Sodom, described in the Book of Genesis, was destroyed by an explosion with...