One of the strongest critical arguments voiced by cryptozoologists, particularly those searching for yetis, is that if yetis and other Bigfoots truly existed, we...
The cryptozoological organization “Rocky Mountain Sasquatch” published photos of a supposed yeti sent to them by a resident of Indiana named Josh Banker. Banker...
An American researcher of mysterious creatures, Lon Strickler, published a story on his website shared by a native Yupik resident from Alaska. In Yupik...
The Impact of External Factors on Lucid Dreaming In one instance, the individual experienced sleep paralysis accompanied by a vivid sensation of an external...
Everything mystical and enigmatic has always attracted the attention of many people, and famous politicians and heads of state are no exception. Many of...
2. OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE The experience begins as an ordinary dream in which there is a sense of an inevitable global catastrophe. This is represented...
In the suburbs of Vancouver, Canada, a 34-year-old resident named Amber Kavanagh experienced two strokes and was urgently sent to the hospital by helicopter....
Scientists have found what is perhaps the most promising evidence that life might exist on Enceladus, Saturn’s sixth-largest moon. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft gathered data...