Psychological Phenomenon
“If there is intuition, then there must be a pattern.”
(Academician P. L. Kapitsa. Quotes and Aphorisms).
One is forced to rely on assumptions or guesses.
Evgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok did not specify his exact birth date. He did not name his biological parents or his real surname. This might be due to amnesia from a severe psychological trauma in childhood; perhaps due to the tragic loss of his parents, brother, or sister.
“To jump ahead, I’ll say that I asked local doctors—they confirmed that he was absolutely mentally healthy,”—a noteworthy comment by V. A. Chernobrov (in the 3rd paragraph above the chapter “Inovremyan: Heroes of Another Time” from the book “Flights in Time”).
Evgeny had drawing abilities. It would be interesting to see a sample of his handwriting. I suspect his handwriting was calligraphic!
I suspect he was a meticulous, detail-oriented person. I assume that Evgeny’s thoroughness, precision, punctuality, and neatness eventually helped him earn Vadim Chernobrov’s trust: Evgeny recounted his story “in elaborate detail.” This was very important to Evgeny. Perhaps his heightened attention to detail led him to the idea of creating a local historical museum on a public basis and collecting (about a ton!) of newspaper and magazine clippings that best characterize (for the future!) the contemporary era.
Vadim Chernobrov called him a clever man.
Adoptive parents and a loving wife, Herbert Wells, and Vadim Chernobrov facilitated Evgeny’s adaptation. Perhaps the idea of “traveling in a time machine,” which explained his birth, replaced his painful experiences.
The presented (fictional) characterization of Evgeny is suitable for dissociative identity disorder (DID). In favor of DID, Vadim Chernobrov’s remark:
“In any case, both the daughter and some other (but very close) friends, somewhat hesitantly, mentioned that throughout his life, E.I. was occasionally plagued by a strange, as they considered, ‘malady,’ which manifested as follows: Gaiduchok would suddenly (it’s hard to say exactly when, sometimes after a brief anger towards someone, although he rarely got angry) go unconscious and remain so for several minutes (a state close to a coma!), then would come to and, after catching his breath, continue working as if nothing had happened.” (V. A. Chernobrov. “Inovremyan: Heroes of Another Time” from the book “Flights in Time”).
Certain symptoms of DID can be presumed in the great inventor Vangeliya Gushterova: she supposedly suffered from “split personality” (in quotes) or “communicated with the dark forces”; she experienced a severe psychological trauma in childhood during a tornado.
This (fictional) explanation of Evgeny Gaiduchok and Vangeliya Gushterova’s phenomenal abilities seemingly does not contradict the fantastic picture (concept) of the existence of objective reasons for various “signs” (predictions):
If we arbitrarily extract from the collective consciousness the mind = collective unconscious. Then the best conduit for the collective unconscious, roughly speaking, would be the insane or mentally ill (people with damage to the higher nervous system). Indeed! – Proved by psychiatrist C.G. Jung.
The statement by Vadim Chernobrov that, in moments of mortal danger, people’s perception of time flow sometimes changes does not contradict the presented fantastic picture of the causes of “signs” (V.A. Chernobrov. “Time Machine”). Since damage to brain neurons is one of the inevitable consequences of severe stress.
- Phenomenon of the Disappearance of the Manuscript “Secrets of Time”
From Vadim Chernobrov’s story “Time Machine”:
“… If we talk about this book, there was at least one very surprising episode with it. When they were discussing the fate of this book, a few editors <…> Right, so to speak, in the presence of three editors in a small closed room, the manuscript disappears <…> It was in such a stack of printed A4 sheets. It lay in a solid folder on the table. This is according to their words, specifically from Gerasimuk’s words.
The table, of course, wasn’t exactly empty, but there were no other folders. That is, it was the only folder. Here, the fate of this book is being discussed:
– Listen, should we even deal with this topic? Maybe, so to speak, maybe we shouldn’t.
Something like that is the conversation. And while they were discussing, suddenly the folder disappears. Well, not suddenly in the sense of disappearing before their eyes. But just at some point, no one was coming in or going out. That is, three people were sitting at the table discussing the folder, the manuscript that was lying between them. Nothing in the setup of this scene changes. At some point, someone notices, well, where actually is the manuscript they were talking about. And the manuscript is gone!
Naturally, suspecting each other—well, these people are not of that level; no one would think of engaging in theft or any such intrigues. So, they certainly didn’t think about anyone close. They turned the whole room upside down, did a general cleaning. That is, they literally removed everything from there and put it back. In short, they were shocked. <…> They didn’t know how to proceed, as there was no second copy.”
It is worth adding that some time later, on the same day, Vadim Chernobrov’s manuscript, according to the author, unexpectedly reappeared in the same place on the table, in the same inexplicable manner as its sudden disappearance was presented to the editors. After that, publication became a settled matter.
One thing is certain: all the events were necessary for the people. The discussion of Vadim Chernobrov’s manuscript before publication was a necessary event. The publication of the manuscript was a necessary and sufficient event. The disappearance and reappearance of the manuscript are the connecting link between the two events.
In my opinion, the Law of Universal Event Interaction, invented by candidate of technical sciences Dmitry Pavlov (see below “Time Machines” by Pavlov) broadly fits the explanation for the phenomenal disappearance of Chernobrov’s manuscript: a future event can influence a present event.
For example, the disappearance of the manuscript, even if it was an illusion, can be seen as a psychological phenomenon under special natural conditions. One of these conditions was created by people. For instance, like an ordinary road where an ordinary tractor and a dog suddenly appear and disappear:
“Case two: Driving in Rossony, after passing Shalashniki, there was a slight bend in the road, and a Belarus tractor appeared and disappeared. Approaching closer, the same tractor appeared again, and I passed it normally. And once more, the same dog crossed the road twice in front of the car,”—on the Ufkom forum (Minsk) from a story by the author under the pseudonym Alexej_1964.
It can be imagined that the increased number of accidents at intersections of highways with tectonic faults discovered by scientists at the Institute of Problems of Natural Resource Use and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has similar physical and psychological reasons – the subject of geological medicine! Source: Garetsky R.G., Karataev G.I. “Ecological-Tectonic Environment of Belarus”, p.18.— Minsk: “Belarusian Science”, 2015—175 p. — [Electronic Resource]. URL: file:///C:/Users/hgt/Downloads/[Garecky_R.G.,_Karataev_G.I.]_YEkologo-tektonofizi( (public access 19.06.2019).
Additionally, there is a vague assumption that the historical value of any events may be determined by the Law of Universal Event Interaction, and Evgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchok metaphorically sensed this dependency as an artist.
- Fantastic Conclusions and Prejudices
Therefore, if “time travel” becomes possible, the process will probably look like computation (“Virtual Time Machine”). — Similar to how the general staff of the armed forces corrects a military operation after analyzing an extensive array of intelligence data.
In this vein, “useless signs” (illusions) are 100% missed intelligence (metaphor) opportunities:
“Three women, located near the village of the birthplace of Yesenin, saw a fiery inscription ‘2001 09 slaughter …’ in the sky for 5 minutes. The women were sure that it referred to a slaughter (war) that would occur in September 2001. What later indeed happened. The exact date the witnesses do not remember, they say, ‘at the time when the submarine Kursk sank’ (Chernobrov V.A. et al. “CHRONICLES OF UFO VISITS.” [Electronic Resource] URL: (public access 19.04.2020).
Therefore, famous “seers” like Wolf Messing and Vangeliya Gushterova are either fabricators, magicians, artists, or deceivers. And the consequence of the Law of Universal Event Interaction could be called the rule of information preservation.
Thus, the rapid development of artificial intelligence in light of the “refined Kondratiev wave model” is not at all a fantastic threat to human civilization, but a necessary future natural evolution of life on Earth (Ph.D. Anoprienko A.Y., rector of DonNTU. “Space and Civilization”).