One of the strongest critical arguments voiced by cryptozoologists, particularly those searching for yetis, is that if yetis and other Bigfoots truly existed, we...
The cryptozoological organization “Rocky Mountain Sasquatch” published photos of a supposed yeti sent to them by a resident of Indiana named Josh Banker. Banker...
An American researcher of mysterious creatures, Lon Strickler, published a story on his website shared by a native Yupik resident from Alaska. In Yupik...
Writer and paranormal researcher Jeff Belanger has compiled a list of the ten most mystical tourist routes in the USA, according to his perspective....
In U.S. media, curious publications continue to emerge about UFOs, particularly regarding the imminent presentation of a comprehensive report on UFOs by the Pentagon...
An informant, whose identity is carefully concealed, allegedly a current or former U.S. government official, leaked a report about the “Immaculate Constellation” program online....