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The Werewolf of Alabama: Mysterious Monster Attacks North Mobile

A Werewolf from Alabama: A Two-Meter-Tall Black Creature Attacked the Residents of North Mobile in 1938

A mysterious creature, called the “Monster of Marmott Street” and “Frankenstein from the Fisher Alley,” terrorized the residents of the small town of North Mobile in the U.S. state of Alabama in 1938. The first attack occurred in January (the exact date was not specified in the media) when African American women were leaving the Trowan Church in the evening. The creature did not harm the women because several men, also parishioners of the same church, immediately rushed to defend them, armed with pistols. They began to pursue the creature, but it quickly disappeared into the darkness. The men called the police, who began searching the street where the monster had fled. At some point, they spotted it and began shooting at it, but “the bullets seemed to bounce off its skin,” as witnesses later described.

That same evening, the creature attacked a local resident, Johnny Boykin, while he was opening the door to his house. The monster seriously bit his arm, and only by a miracle did it not bite off his fingers. On January 28, a citizen named C. L. Bowman rushed to the police, his neck covered in deep claw wounds. He claimed that he had narrowly escaped being killed by a huge clawed monster. When his wounds were treated and bandaged, Bowman described how he was walking down Fisher Alley when a terrifying black creature suddenly appeared from the nearby swamp of Tri-Mile Creek and jumped on him, striking him with its clawed paws. He described the creature as being nearly 2 meters tall, with thick black fur and a white spot around its neck, like a “collar.” According to Bowman, he was saved because he started screaming loudly, and his father, who rushed to his aid, struck the creature with a club, after which it fled.

In a later report, it was mentioned that Bowman was also saved by neighbors Alec Herman and Henry Johnson, who shot at the creature with shotguns, but the pellets did not seem to bother the monster. Johnson also described the creature as being two meters tall, covered in fur, and having a white “ring” on its neck, noting that it was much larger than any police dog.

In the following days, rumors spread among the local residents that the mysterious monster was either a “Frankenstein monster” (a film about the Frankenstein monster had just become very popular), a ghost, a werewolf, or some kind of wild animal from the forest, or even a lion that had escaped from a circus. More and more witnesses came forward, but now they were giving increasingly strange testimonies. Some claimed that the creature’s fur was “scaly like a dinosaur’s,” others said that its fur shone, while a third group insisted that it breathed fire and left bloodstains. Its size also seemed to change — some people believed that the monster was taller than a circus elephant! There were rumors that a hunter had gone to the swamp and returned completely white and paralyzed from fear, with all his dogs having been eaten by the monster.

There were also rumors that the creature once returned to the Trowan Church one evening and attacked a small black girl, biting off part of her ear. One day, the police received an urgent call that the monster had been cornered. When the police arrived at the indicated location, they found only a large pig. However, near the site of the attack on Bowman, fairly large footprints were found that did not match the tracks of dogs or other city animals. It was suggested that these were bear tracks and that the bear was what scared the people, living in the swamp. However, no bear was found in the swamp.

The town’s residents were on the edge of mental exhaustion. They were afraid to let their children go outside, and many were scared to leave their homes. The brave ones ventured out in groups, armed to the teeth, including teenagers.

On the night of February 14, St. Valentine’s Day, the town’s firefighter Charles Ardoine woke up in the middle of the night to the loud noise coming from the street, as if dogs were barking. When he stepped outside, he saw his collie dog struggling with some unknown animal. Along with a neighbor, Ardoine cornered the creature and shot it. It turned out to be an otter, a perfectly normal otter species in size. Everyone in the town immediately decided that the otter was the “two-meter monster,” especially since reports of the creature’s attacks on people ceased after that.

Otters can actually be quite aggressive toward humans and can bite hard, so in the dark, it’s not surprising that people may have mistaken an otter for something larger.

However, not everyone believes that the people in North Mobile were frightened by an ordinary otter. So, the theory of a werewolf is still quite popular in that area.

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