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A creepy gnome is terrorizing an entire town in Argentina

The appearance of the entity was captured on a mobile phone camera by local teenagers who encountered the “gnome” during a nighttime stroll in a deserted area. Police officers in a small town in northern Argentina are forced to take seriously the statements of several residents, who have spread rumors of a ghost roaming the streets at night, causing panic among the population.

The “creepy gnome,” as it was dubbed by local newspaper El Tribuno, wears a pointed hat and moves in an unusual manner—taking small sideways steps.

The entity was first caught on camera by a group of teenagers out for a walk late at night. “We were chatting about our recent fishing trip,” said one of the witnesses, a young man named José. “It wasn’t even night anymore, more like early morning. I took out my phone and started snapping photos while the others kept talking and laughing. Suddenly, we heard a strange noise, like someone invisible was throwing rocks on the ground. We turned toward the sound and saw the grass moving, as if a small animal, maybe a dog, was pushing through. But what came toward us wasn’t a dog; it was something unexplainable, like a gnome. It scared us a lot.”

According to José, one of his friends was so traumatized by the encounter that he had to be hospitalized. “This is no joke,” José insists. “We all saw the gnome and can confirm it, even without the video.”

The blurry figure seen in the video has been identified by local residents as the “creepy gnome,” and now many are afraid to go out after dark. The town is living under a self-imposed curfew, fearing another appearance of the mysterious being.

The video shows the gnome at the very end.

Elsewhere, stories of ghosts offer little comfort. For example, in South Africa, a ghost-rapist was reported to have attacked women in their sleep, even when they were lying next to their husbands. This extraordinary fact came to light after the victims began sharing their experiences.

In India, ghosts are also taken seriously. A few years ago, two farmer brothers were fined for keeping a “domesticated ghost” in their house. The incident came to light after a series of infectious disease outbreaks in the area. The village elders’ council blamed the ghost for the calamities and ordered the brothers to pay a fine equivalent to $700.

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