The experience begins as an ordinary dream in which there is a sense of an inevitable global catastrophe. This is represented by two obvious symbols: a small feather and a huge, shapeless mass trying to crush the feather. This conveys the immeasurable difference in strength and the impossibility of doing anything. An overwhelming desire arises to understand the essence of what is happening. At some point, the author becomes aware of sitting on a bed, perceiving space through walls, and simultaneously feeling an undefined threat from space. Gradually, the unknown threat starts to be recognized as a specific object, and the desire to define it emerges. Attention is focused on an area of space beyond one of the walls, and for a time, there is a sense of splitting, as if the author is both in the room and far beyond it at the same time. Eventually, the author finds himself in complete darkness, realizing that he is far away in space. Gradually, a faint red glow becomes visible in the darkness, and it becomes clear that something is approaching.
At some point, a terrifying yet mesmerizing view of a dark surface covered with numerous glowing, ember-like pink branches emerges. These branches resemble veins, with some sort of movement within them, giving the impression that it is something alive. This sight is perceived as utterly incomprehensible and supernatural. After some time, the visible area expands, revealing that the glowing branches occupy an enormous space. Orange and red-brown shades appear, and the number of elements becomes so vast that it is impossible to discern any kind of pattern. At one point, an area between the glowing lines becomes visible, resembling a desert plain under a dim red-brown light. Everything is covered by an uneven, translucent haze, making much of the glowing area indistinct.
The viewpoint gradually moves and recedes, while the illumination increases, and it becomes clear that this is the surface of a massive celestial body that had been hidden in darkness and is now fully visible. A light pinkish-brown hue begins to dominate. Observing this, it is difficult to determine whether it is a planet or a star, as it has characteristics of both and seems like something impossible. At the same time, there is an impression that it is filled with life or is a living being with an extremely aggressive, almost demonic energy. The pink, fleshy hue and the detailed realism make it ultimately horrifying.
In the video, my painting is brought to life by AI. At the moment of full comprehension, the identification with the personal self disappears, and a critical moment is reached. There is a sense of a point of no return, reaching which would mean the end of existence. This leads to a shift inside a long, spiral tunnel, resembling a drain vortex. This tunnel exists in space and simultaneously consists of images, possibly memories, that change as the movement occurs, like life flashing before one’s eyes. The outcome of this journey is a return to the solar system and the recovery of personal identity. The solar system appears natural, but all the planets are visible at once, as in an illustration. Something solemn is taking place here, related to what was seen before, evoking joy and relief. This creates a feeling that a problem has been resolved.
After this, the author finds himself back in his room, running around with a sense of liberation and fullness of knowledge, which is perceived as something capable of radically changing the situation. There is self-awareness, but no awareness that it is a dream. The room’s environment differs from the usual in that there is a predawn twilight outside the window, although in reality, it was the middle of the night. After a while, the author wakes up with a sense of complete exhaustion, and the knowledge remains expressed in specific words: “I need to bring order, I need to tell everyone about this,” but its essence has lost meaning. “Bringing order” referred to a tendency to scatter things, and the need to tell everyone was completely incomprehensible, as was the essence of what had been seen.
Most of these dreams can be explained as the interpretation of various images previously seen in the real world. However, the planet seen in the most conscious state did not fit into any of the author’s prior conceptions at the time. This image was uniquely shocking, and the experience as a whole gave the impression of uncovering a terrifying personal secret, overwhelming all of life’s experiences. However, it is difficult to assume any traumatic life event that could have manifested in this way. Rather, the experience itself was traumatic. Therefore, the only way out was to consider it a product of a diseased imagination and never recall it again.
A return to this experience occurred in 2012 when the author first learned of the idea of the planet Nibiru, which triggered a flood of memories. This idea was proposed by the well-known writer and popularizer of the ancient astronaut theory, Zecharia Sitchin. He claimed that by interpreting Sumerian texts and the Bible literally, they tell the story of a large volcanic planet that periodically visits the solar system and is the home of ancient extraterrestrials—the legendary gods. Sitchin wrote many books attempting to prove this theory, and he was criticized by the scientific community for insufficient evidence, but the idea became popular in mainstream culture.
The author familiarized himself with Sitchin’s books, as well as all available translations of Sumerian texts, the Bible, and apocrypha, and concluded that the hypothesis of Nibiru’s existence was based on very indirect and ambiguous facts. Yet, it was surprising that Sitchin’s description of the planet exactly matched what the author had seen. Even though the planet’s appearance initially seemed inexplicable, the later emergence of many color photos of Earth and other planets from space allowed the author to see very similar details, such as lava flows, city lights glowing through clouds, and cosmic videos of thunderstorms. If one imagines a volcanic planet with frequent storms and moving clouds, this would closely resemble what was seen in the dream.
Moreover, Sitchin’s concept and its connection to the Bible gave meaning to previously unrelated elements—the unreadable text, the flood, the Earth without water, the Earth as a garden, the transformation into a giant, and the idea of a future heavenly kingdom in the form of a planet, as well as the notion of receiving information in a dream. At the very least, it gives the impression that in the dream, information about Sitchin’s idea, which already existed at the time but was unknown to the author, was received. Additionally, there is a notable similarity between what was seen and modern scientific views on similar wandering planets, which were also unknown to the author at the time. A common type of such objects is wandering infrared stars, known as brown dwarfs. There may also exist objects intermediate between planets and stars, and it is likely that many variations of these exist, with one possibly moving toward the solar system unnoticed against the background of stars. There is also the hypothesis of a ninth planet—a massive planet in the solar system, whose exact parameters are not yet known, but it is believed to exist.
Moreover, this dream became a kind of key to information that was revealed through associations arising when replaying the dream in the author’s mind, but was not part of the dream itself. These associations led to another research project in physics published in a peer-reviewed journal for beginners. This was a significant achievement for the author, given his initially weak knowledge of the subject. Based on all this, the author concluded that extrasensory perception of information in dreams may be possible and requires further study.