A collection of photographs with ghosts recently posted by various Reddit users. Posts with these photos garnered quite a few comments, and the authors insisted that the images were authentic.
My great-grandmother’s ghost appeared in our wedding photo
“My wife was going through our wedding photos after we received them from the photographer, and she became curious about who was standing behind us during our ceremony. Zooming in on the image, she saw a woman in the window. She showed it to me, and I immediately recognized my late great-grandmother in the woman.
The thing is, the only elderly women among the guests at our wedding were just two ladies sitting in the front row. Moreover, there were tables with food in that room, and approaching the window in that way was simply impossible.”
This photo made me believe in ghosts
“My mom took this photo and sent it to me, thinking it was odd that the rope was just hanging in the air. But she never noticed the figure behind it.
Three months after she sent me this picture, she called me, scared to death, and told me to look at this photo again. And when I saw that figure, brightening the image, I felt sick. My mom says she was home alone at that moment. Later, we recognized the figure as my mom’s sister, my aunt, who passed away.”
A girl in a white dress in my house
“First of all, I live alone. I’m not one to usually believe in all this Hollywood nonsense or paranormal phenomena. However, the noise I heard woke me up as I was about to fall asleep.
I went to check the noise and saw that my treadmill was running. It was impossible because to restart the treadmill, you need a special safety key.
Then I checked the recordings from the home surveillance cameras, which transmit data to my phone, to make sure there was no one else in the house. And there I found this girl.
In the end, I ran to my room, grabbed my gun, and checked all the rooms in my house and the garage. There was no one there. I turned on the lights and looked outside, but I saw nothing. Then I looked at the timestamps and saw that the camera first detected the lights going out, and less than a minute later, the picture of the girl was taken, as the camera detected movement in the room.”
My 7-year-old son says he sees this on the ceiling of the closet at night
“I had to nail down a blanket to hide the clothes in the closet. After that, my son said last night that he still sees it, but now it only has one eye. I’m going to ask my wife to cleanse the whole house (from evil spirits).
My son says it just pops out and stares at him for about 20 minutes, then goes back to the ceiling. Our dog sleeps with him in bed, and he falls asleep normally. My son doesn’t seem scared, but he seems disturbed.
I’m sure it’s his imagination or just something he dreamed, or maybe he saw it on TV or something like that. But even before I met my wife, I had an experience when I lived in this house alone, I was just over twenty at the time, and I saw a shadow person here. So I believe my son.”
Some hands are hugging me
“Yesterday I was at a big event, and when I visited the restroom, I took a photo of myself in the mirror. Then I noticed something that looked like two hands on me.”
These photos I took when taking a selfie on my mom’s phone, I was 14 years old
“The photo was taken in our house at the dining table between the kitchen and the living room. But, I think it’s not tied to the location, I sometimes saw something on the train and at school.”