Actor Patrick Stewart shared a story about ghosts in his house and how one time a ghost tried to strangle him.
Last year, the cult Hollywood and theater actor Patrick Stewart communicated with videoblogger-podcaster Rich Roll. For an hour, he talked about his life, acting in cinema and theater, and, among other things, shared how he personally encountered paranormal phenomena.
Many years ago, during the years when he was filming the series “Star Trek,” he bought a house in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, on Moreno Drive.
One evening, he came home and noticed that the door between the garage and the house was open, even though he usually closed it. Another time, he woke up at night from the strong smell of burnt food, as if something had burned in the oven.
He hurried downstairs, thinking he had forgotten to turn off the oven, but everything in the kitchen was in order, and everything was off. Yet the smell of burnt food lingered.
On other days, he began to hear footsteps on the stairs and voices of people in rooms where there was clearly no one. Later, his son, who was still in school, started living with him in the house.
One day, when the actor returned from work, his son greeted him very anxiously and took him to the living room, saying he needed to show him something.
They entered the living room, and Stewart saw that all his books had been thrown from the shelf to the floor, and everything was in complete disorder. Stewart thought it was his son’s doing and asked why he had done it, but his son categorically denied it, saying he hadn’t touched anything and had just been watching TV when, suddenly, all the books fell down from the shelves, as if in a strong earthquake. Los Angeles is in an area of heightened seismic activity, but there were no underground tremors that day.
There was also a strange spot in the house, which Stewart called the Ice Zone. It was at the foot of the stairs, and every time Stewart ascended, he felt the temperature instantly drop. But as soon as he took just one step up, the temperature returned to normal. Stewart lived in the house for three years and then moved to another place.
Soon after the move, a woman from the family who had just moved into his old house called him. She asked about something trivial, like adjusting the washing machine settings, but then mentioned that her child, at the foot of the stairs (right in that Ice Zone), had seen a strange man.
Stewart thought about the ghosts in the house and decided to ask the neighbors, who had lived nearby for several decades. They told him that a man had once lived in the house, who had died in a terrible car accident.
This wasn’t Patrick Stewart’s only experience with ghosts. A few years ago, when he was working in the UK, he and his young wife, Sonny Ozell, were looking for a temporary home and were shown a very old cottage, built around the 15th or 16th century.
Stewart began inspecting the empty rooms and entered one on the top floor. He reached the middle of the room when suddenly he felt as if invisible hands were tightly choking his throat. He screamed, “Help! Help!” and Sonny ran in, grabbed him, and pulled him into the hallway. Only then did the invisible hands release him.