The video was recorded in 2021 and was uploaded online a few months ago.
According to the video’s creator, the house previously belonged to her husband’s best friend. Since moving in, he felt that “something was wrong” and strange floating orbs were caught on the surveillance camera several times.
Eventually, he could no longer live there; it was too frightening and uncomfortable, so he sold the house. The new owners moved in and, understandably, soon began asking neighbors if the previous owner had mentioned any paranormal activity in the house.
When one of the neighbors told them that yes, something strange had happened in the house, they sent them a video from the surveillance camera installed in the living room.
The camera, which activates when it detects motion, captured a moment when a blurry, short figure, resembling a child, runs across the second floor. At the same time, there is a sound as if the child is saying something. In the background, orbs (or possibly insects) are seen flying in front of the camera again.
Some people think the child is shouting “Help!” while others believe it is just a common exclamation like “Hop!” that children make when they run and jump.
In any case, the family has children who are very much alive and quite active, but on that day, neither children nor adults were in the house.
According to the person who posted the video, this ghost child eventually caused a rift in the family, and now the couple is not only selling the house but also getting a divorce.